Fox Valley United Way supports the health of all children living in Kane County by promoting healthy eating and active living. Making Kane County Fit for Kids (Fit for Kids) is a collaboration that promotes healthy eating and active living initiatives to reduce Childhood Obesity in Kane County.
Across Kane County, 36.9% of 5-17-year-olds are overweight or obese, and at risk for diabetes, heart failure, and other chronic diseases that could shorten their lives (Data Source: Kane County’s 2018 Community Health Assessment). While there are national and state policies that can create change, the goal is to encourage a culture of health on the local level through countywide mobilization. Maximizing efficient impact, Fit for Kids collaborates with community organizations, schools, daycare centers, municipalities, and other partners by funding implementation projects that support the Fit for Kids Plan, a blueprint to create a Kane County that is “Fit for Kids”.