Thanks to all participants in our inaugural year of Mom Made Me Do This 5K!
On Sunday, May 5th, we had over 150 participants run to raise money for equitable health care access to those in the community seeking assistance!
What a great way to celebrate Mothers Day! Click Here for race results!
Special thanks once again to our generous sponsors: COMCAST,
Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Garza, Loreto Arzola of State Farm, Caterpillar, Cornerstone Cleaning and Restoration, Earthmover Credit Union, Fox Valley Park District, Old Second National Bank, Painter's District Council 30, and Waubonsee Community College.
And a shout out to our wonderful photographer George V. Studios who provided the beautiful pictures below.
Register today to run a 5K with your mom, for your mom, in honor of your mom, if you're a mom, if you're a pet mom, if you're in love with a mom! Your mom will be so proud of you!
Mom Made Me Do This 5k, a race to ensure positive health outcomes for families in our communities.
Mastodon Lake in Philips Park
1000 Ray Moses Drive
Aurora, Illinois
Sunday, May 5th, 2024
Run begins at 8:00 AM
Walk begins at 8:30 AM
Kids activities will be available!
Interested in running? Register here: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/84743/mom-made-me-do-this